Microsoft Certification 70-016

Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0


  • Presentational Patterns (MVC, MVP, MVVM)
  • Dependency Properties, INotifyCollectionChanged, ObservableCollection
  • Triggers, Styles
  • Control Templates, Data Template
  • MVVM Light (Laurent Bugnion & GalaSoft), Model View Locator Pattern
  • Isolation Frameworks, Rhino Mocks
  • Persistence Ignorance
  • Commanding, RelayCommand, InputBindings
  • Attached Behaviour
  • Data Transfer Objects (DTO)
  • Dependency Inversion, Inversion of Control (IoC), StructureMap, Unity
  • Dialog Service, Validation, Error Templates, IDataErrorInfo, INotifyDataErrorInfo